The Scrip Office, school, or faculty WILL NOT be held responsible for any lost or stolen gift certificates/cards. The Scrip Order form must be completely filled out and signed by you (or the purchaser) before the order will be filled.
Name: list your name and the name of the account holder if different than your own
(example: Judy Tivitt -- Christi & Taylor Tivitt account)
Child’s Name: the name of the child you wish to be responsible for your order
Grade: list the grade of the child who will be delivering your order
%: the discount the retailer has agreed to give back to the school (child’s tuition)
Value: the value of the certificate/gift card --please circle the value you are interested in
QTY: the quantity or number of certificates/gift cards you want
$$: the total amount you want of each certificate/gift card
TOTAL: the grand total or sum of all certificates/gift cards ordered
Signature: your signature means you are agreeing to the terms on the order form. Before your sign, please check mark if you plan to pick your order up in the Scrip Office or if you would like it sent home with your child. If someone else is picking up your order in the Scrip Office, please identify that person in the space provided.
Phone #: a phone # where we can reach you if we have any questions about your order
You may send in your scrip any day of the week with your child or you may deposit any order in the drop box in Sheila’s office and/or the drop box located on the outside wall of the Scrip Office. We check these locked drop-boxes on Mondays and Thursdays before we open our office so if you drop something in it on a Saturday night after Mass, we will receive it Monday morning. We will place our orders on Monday afternoons with Great Lake Scrip (GLS) and should receive our orders no later than 2 o’clock on Thursday. If you need a specific gift card (one that we typically would not keep in stock) by Thursday, you will need to get your order into us on Monday, no later than 1 pm.
The teachers have agreed to collect Scrip orders every morning which will then be placed in the drop box. We will fill orders as gift cards become available. All “filled” orders will go home on Thursdays with the child(ren) unless you have check-marked that you plan to pick your order up in the Scrip Office. Please NOTE: We will do our best to send orders home on Mondays if we are able to fill your order “in full and/or partially” but only if you send a request asking us to do so. We do not want to take advantage of our teachers or overwhelm them with orders. They are doing us a tremendous favor by allowing our children to act as correspondents with the Scrip Office.
In the best interest of both parties involved, we WILL NOT accept cash as a form of payment for any orders sent to school with your child(ren). Please make your check out to St. Romuald Scrip and record your check # in the space provided on the order form. Place your check and order form in an envelope and seal tightly . Label your envelope “Scrip Order” so that the teachers will not confuse Scrip orders with lunch money, notes from home, etc.
We are positive that if the guidelines are followed, the Scrip order form will be a huge success. We’re hoping that those who haven’t been able to participate in Scrip due to working schedules, etc., perhaps now with the convenience of the order form, will be able to join the program and reap the benefits. Newcomers can join the Scrip program anytime they wish. A registration form will need to be filled out and placed in your file before we can fill any orders, but this form can be sent home with your child or you can fill one out in the Scrip Office. If you have any questions about the program, please call us or stop in the Scrip Office during our office hours.